HVAC Maintenance | Air Comfort Corporation

5 Signs of Commercial HVAC Issues

We’ve all become familiar with the sound of the thermostat clicking on, but what about those strange sounds and symptoms you may notice developing over time? When should you be concerned, and when is it time to call an HVAC contractor to address the problem? In this post, we’ll break down five of the most common commercial HVAC issues and how you can pinpoint them.

Rising Utility Bills

If you’ve noticed that your utility bills have been consistently rising even after adjusting for the time of year and climate, your HVAC infrastructure may be to blame. If your HVAC equipment requires more energy to run, there’s likely a deeper issue that’s causing it to run less efficiently. Fortunately, you probably won’t need to replace the whole system. Most often, a few energy efficiency upgrades can curb rising your utility bills, quickly delivering a full return on investment.

Your System Continuously Runs

If you’ve noticed that your HVAC system continues running throughout the day without pause, the load on your system is higher than it can handle. Your system is having to work around the clock to maintain a temperature that it either wasn’t built to handle or can no longer manage. A piece of critical equipment may be outdated or broken. Either way, if your system runs continuously to maintain the temperature you’ve set it at, it’s time to call a contractor to pinpoint the source of the problem.

Your System Trips the Breaker

If your heating and cooling systems consume so much power that it repeatedly trips the circuit breaker, you probably have a deeper electrical issue. An HVAC contractor can help you pinpoint the root of the problem while ensuring that electrical problems don’t lead to more critical system failures later on.

Noisier Operation

You’ve probably become so used to the sound of your HVAC system operating that it’s become background noise. If you notice any unusual noises like rattling, squeaking, grinding, or banging, your place of business is either haunted – in which case we can’t help you – or your HVAC system may require maintenance or repairs. Sounds like vents contracting and expanding in cold or warm weather, however, are no reason to be concerned unless they seem to be impacting the performance of your system.

Strange Smells

If you notice unusual smells emanating from air vents or your air handler unit, you’re likely dealing with an underlying issue like mold, moisture buildup, or a leak. Distinct smells like sulfur or rotten eggs may be signs of a gas issue. Either way, an experienced HVAC contractor can pinpoint the root of the problem and take corrective issue as quickly as possible. When it comes to your heating and air conditioning systems, unusual smells should never be ignored.
Proactively Address Potential Issues

If you want to proactively address potential issues before they turn into critical problems that require extensive repairs, contact the experts at Garrison Mechanical today. We’re here to help you with everything from the latest energy-saving upgrades and minimizing energy bills to pinpointing the root cause of that strange noise.

2 replies
  1. Larry Weaver
    Larry Weaver says:

    Thanks for mentioning how strange smells coming from your air handler unit could mean you are dealing with mold or a leak. The HVAC in the office I work at is giving off a strange smell similar to eggs when it is running. Now I wonder if we are dealing with mold, so I will make sure it gets checked out by a commercial HVAC contractor to see what the problem is.

  2. Ellie Davis
    Ellie Davis says:

    It’s interesting to know that any unusual noise coming from your HVAC system should be checked by a professional to make sure that your unit is working properly. A couple of employees of my husband’s office told him about strange noises coming out of the HVAC unit. I will recommend him to call a professional as soon as possible before that problem escalates into something worse.

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